Texts by Conceptual Artists from Eastern Europe: Hungary


Miklós Erdély

What will be, and is capable of reacting, already exists.

That which reacts to itself, defines itself as a cause.

Only that which turns back and impacts itself as a cause is capable of molding itself.

That which impacts itself as a cause is already in the form in which it would like to mold itself. 

Nevertheless, it could not have become such as it is, had it not molded itself into the form it is, albeit the same self that it has become is what molded it into what it is.

The more highly developed reaches back in order to be more highly developed.

Thus it determines itself reciprocally (back and forth).

Therefore freedom is a twofold determination in time.

If you live in the awareness that in each moment you have, you can re-(con)vert, you are enclosed within your own redemption.

Man is therefore subjugated to the one who knows him/her best: him/herself.

Beware of yourself.

That readying is ready already.

Translated by John Bátki

Miklós Erdély. Time Travel 1. 1922. Photomontage, 48 x 49 x 5 cm. Szent István Király Múzeum [St. Stephen the King Museum], Székesfehérvár, Hungary. Photo: László Lugosi Lugo. © Heirs of Miklós Erdély. Courtesy to the Miklós Erdély Foundation
Miklós Erdély. Time Travel 2. 1930. Photomontage, 48 x 49 x 5 cm. Szent István Király Múzeum [St. Stephen the King Museum], Székesfehérvár, Hungary. Photo: László Lugosi Lugo. © Heirs of Miklós Erdély. Courtesy to the Miklós Erdély Foundation
Miklós Erdély. Time Travel 3. 1934. Photomontage, 48 x 49 x 5 cm. Szent István Király Múzeum [St. Stephen the King Museum], Székesfehérvár, Hungary (Photo: László Lugosi Lugo). © Heirs of Miklós Erdély. Courtesy to the Miklós Erdély Foundation
Miklós Erdély. Time Travel 4. 1955. Photomontage, 48 x 49 x 5 cm. Szent István Király Múzeum [St. Stephen the King Museum], Székesfehérvár, Hungary Photo: László Lugosi Lugo. © Heirs of Miklós Erdély. Courtesy to the Miklós Erdély Foundation
Miklós Erdély. Time Travel 5. 1961. Photomontage, 48 x 49 x 5 cm. Szent István Király Múzeum [St. Stephen the King Museum], Székesfehérvár, Hungary Photo: László Lugosi Lugo. © Heirs of Miklós Erdély. Courtesy to the Miklós Erdély Foundation

*Erdély, Miklós: Idő-mőbiusz. In: Sorozatművek [Serial Works], exh. cat., Székesfehérvár, Csók István Képtár [István Csók Gallery], 1976/77, pp.34-35. Republished in: Magyar Műhely [Hungarian Atelier], vol. 21, no. 67, July 15, 1983, p.61; AL/6, 1983, p.42; Szógettó [Word-Ghetto]. Jelenlét [Presence], 1989/1–2 (14–15), p.98; E. M.: Második kötet [Volume Two], Selected and eds.: Beke, László, Miklós Peternák and the editors of Magyar MűhelyMagyar Műhely, Paris, Vienna, Budapest, 1991, p.95; In the essay of Annamária Szőke entitled: “Titok a jövő jelenléte”. Tudomány a művészet határain belül Erdély Miklós művészetében [“The Presence of the Future is Secret”. Science within the boundaries of Art in the Oeuvre of Miklós Erdély], Nappali Ház, vol. IX, no. 1, 1997/1, p.64; Puskin utca, 2008/4. p.10. In German: “Zeit-Möbius (Übersetzt von Hannelore Schmör-Weichenhain)”. Acta Historiae Artium, Tomus 39, 1997, p.220.

© Heirs of Miklós Erdély, the translator, the Miklós Erdély Foundation

The original Hungarian text has been published by the Artpool Art Research Center and can be accessed online here.

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