Nina Chkareuli-Mdivani

Nina Chkareuli-Mdivani, born in the country of Georgia, is a New York-based independent curator, writer, and researcher. She holds undergraduate degrees in international relations and gender studies from Tbilisi State University and Mount Holyoke College and a graduate degree in museum studies from the City University of New York. Her book The King Is Female (Wienand Verlag, 2018), which explores the lives of three Georgian women artists, is the first publication to investigate questions of feminine identity in the context of the Eastern European historical, social, and cultural transformation of the last twenty years. Chkareuli-Mdivani has contributed articles to Hyperallergic, Flash Art International, the Brooklyn Rail, JANE magazine (Australia), NERO Editions (Italy), Whitehot Magazine of Contemporary Art, XIBT (Berlin), Eastern European Film Bulletin, Indigo Magazine, and Arte Fuse. Her research involves the intersection of art history, museum, and decolonization studies with a focus on totalitarian art and trauma theory.


Fighting the Authoritarian Machine from the Inside: Tamar Abakelia and Natela Iankoshvili

In this text, curator and writer Nina Mdivani revisits the lives and work of Tamar Abakelia (1905–1953) and her student Natela Iankoshvili (1918–2007). She emphasizes how these two Georgian women artists navigated between undertaking state commissions and finding windows of opportunity to oppose the regime and, in the process, creates a genealogy of Georgian artistic…