David Platzker

New York-based David Platzker is the Director of Specific Object, an innovative gallery, bookstore and think-tank dedicated to art post 1959, archiving and selling diverse materials from artists’ publications, multiples, and unique works of art, to literature, music, and counterculture ephemera. Until 2018, for close to five years, Platzker was Curator in the Department of Drawings and Prints at The Museum of Modern Art. Before founding Specific Object, he was the Executive Director of Printed Matter, a non-profit institution dedicated to the promotion of artists’ books and publications. While we remain largely housebound, Platzker shares with Something Curated a thought-provoking edit of reading material, all available to order online.


Memories of MoMA in Moscow

Over a dozen members of the C-MAP Central and Eastern European group traveled for research to Moscow in March 2017. As Roxana Marcoci, Senior Curator of Photography, notes, Russia spans eleven time zones and includes two-hundred nationalities. From this vast and deeply complex nation, the participants report on their impressions below. Reflection by Ksenia Nouril, C-MAP Central…